Reduce energy usage and
Contribute to scientific research while heating your home
The electric heater was invented in 1883. Almost 150 years later, their design has hardly changed despite massive improvements in technology. It’s time for a smarter heater…
Using a distributed computing network composed of independently-operating nodes, we have created an infinitely scalable and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional data centers.
The average datacenter uses 43%1 (almost half!) of the energy the consume solely on cooling. Datacenters also destroy local infrastructure by overloading the power grid2. Meanwhile, space heating accounts for roughly 11%3 of wordwide carbon emissions.
Our solution tackles THREE problems at once:
The cooling aspect of datacenters is entirely eliminated, the power usage is not focused at a single location, and the energy spent computing is directly converted to heat, negating any emissions that would have been created by heat generation.
Rather than ejecting waste heat into the environment, our system selectively generates heat only where it is needed in both residential and industrial applications. This is much more efficient than any other currently existing datacenter configuration.
We stand firmly by our commitment towards reducing waste in all forms. Our software is engineered to be maximally compatible with older hardware, allowing “outdated” technology to continue to contribute towards progress. Giving computers a second life reduces both energy and electronic waste – over 81%4 of the energy a computer consumes in its lifetime is from its manufacture, rather than the power it uses during everyday operation.

How it works
Discover how our thermistor control unit converts any pre-existing PC into a room heater.

Simple, intuitive design
Our innovative heat regulation system works goes straight into producing results for researchers.

Get in touch
Interested in leveraging the power of a large computational network?
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